Australian Made Labels

Australian Made Labels

The Australian Made, Australian Grown (AMAG) logo is the highest symbol of true Australian authenticity, revered across the country. It has the honour of being Australia's most trusted and widely recognized emblem, supported by a rigorous third-party accreditation system that guarantees products bearing the logo are authentically Australian.

This certified trademark is exclusive to products registered with the non-profit Australian Made Campaign Ltd (AMCL) that meet the standards outlined in both the Australian Consumer Law and the AMAG Logo Code of Practice. Over its 35-year legacy, the AMAG logo has allowed numerous brands to showcase their Australian identity to consumers, businesses, and governmental entities alike. These little green labels’ instantly recognisable message serves as not just a point of pride for authentic Australian brands but a genuine tool to aid consumers around the globe.

And there’s very good reason to want one of these labels on your product:

  • 99% of Australians recognize the logo,
  • 93% of Australians are confident that products carrying the logo are genuinely Australian,
  • 93% of Australians have a preference for Australian made products.

The Australian Made Campaign remains dedicated to overseeing and promoting the AMAG logo as the premier certification trademark for non-food products, serving as a vital marketing tool for businesses. The licensing process for logo usage remains unchanged, with further details available at

The green label of the Australian Made symbol comes in several varietals, depending on the information it is displaying:

Australian Made: The product has undergone its last substantial transformation in Australia.

Australian Grown: All the product's significant ingredients have been grown in Australia; and all, or nearly all, of the processing has been carried out in Australia.

Product of Australia: All the product's significant ingredients come from Australia and all, or nearly all, of the manufacturing or processing has been carried out in Australia.

Australian Seafood: The product is a seafood product; and All of the product's significant ingredients have been grown or harvested in Australia; and All, or nearly all, of the processing has been carried out in Australia.

Australian: Can only be used in export markets and the product must satisfy the criteria for at least one of the four preceding claims, and not be misleading.

Australian Food Labelling: Signifies what percentage of the ingredients were grown in Australia, as illustrated by the yellow bar. If the bar is three-quarters full, than the product was made in Australia, using 75% of its ingredients from Australian-grown produce.

Australian Made and Owned: Ownership is important to many Australians and for that reason a number of businesses choose to include '& owned' with the relevant country of origin claim for their products. The AMAG logo cannot be used on products which do not meet the criteria in the Code of Practice, irrespective of whether the company is Australian owned or not.

Label Power are a major printer and provider of Australian Made labels. Contact us here or on 1300 727 202.

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